Nowadays, there are so many apps competing for our attention that it’s easy to become lost. You’ve come to the right place if you own an iPhone and want to organize your digital environment. This post will demonstrate how to block specific apps on your iPhone. We will look at both the iPhone’s built-in capabilities and some good third-party options.

Blocking an app on iphone illustration

Option 1: Built-in features of iPhone

Your iPhone comes with strong tools that let you manage apps and block them. Screen Time is the first of these features. It lets you control how long each app can run. Another is the Content & Privacy Restrictions setting, which lets you manage what content is accessible on your device. Lastly, the ‘Restrictions’ feature can be used to disable specific pre-installed apps entirely. Even though these tools are strong, they can sometimes be gotten around.

Option 2: Third-party apps

If the built-in features aren’t enough for your needs, you can use third-party software. The Freedom or Opal app is the most popular choice. These apps can help you clear out your digital space and concentrate by blocking certain websites and apps on all of your devices. They also provide additional features that extend the iPhone’s built-in screen time functionality.

Option 3: Parental control apps

Parental control applications for iPhone let parents manage and monitor their children’s phone usage. These tools allow parents to control app access, monitor screen use, and even block specific websites. They’re intended to be user-friendly and provide a variety of configurable settings to accommodate diverse parenting methods. With these apps, parents can help guarantee that their children use their iPhones securely and responsibly.

People spending too much time on their phones

Comparison Table

FeatureScreen TimeOpalFreedom
Blocking Specific AppsYesYesYes
Time LimitsYesYesYes
Scheduled DowntimeYesYesYes
Website BlockingYesYesYes
Usage ReportsYesYesYes
Remote ControlLimitedYesYes
Ease of BypassModerateLowLow
Comparison matrix of different app blocking methods for iPhone

Potential Issues

Even though these filtering tools are useful, users often run into problems. Some of these are making it hard to set limits and making it easy to get around apps that are banned. To fix these problems, you must make sure that your settings are right and that you have the most recent software.

How to Block an App on iPhone – Image


It doesn’t have to be hard to block apps on your iPhone. You can get back in charge of your digital life with the built-in features and third-party choices available to you. Remember that the most important thing is to know how to use these tools correctly so you can create a digital space that works for you. Good luck getting rid of stuff!